CBNet: A Composite Backbone Network Architecture for Object Detection



Illustration of the proposed Composite Backbone Network (CBNet) architecture for object detection.

Modern top-performing object detectors depend heavily on backbone networks, whose advances bring consistent performance gains through exploring more effective network structures. In this paper, we propose a novel and flexible backbone framework, namely , to construct high-performance detectors using existing open-source pre-trained backbones under the pre-training fine-tuning paradigm. In particular, CBNet architecture groups multiple identical backbones, which are connected through composite connections. Specifically, it integrates the high- and low-level features of multiple identical backbone networks and gradually expands the receptive field to more effectively perform object detection. We also propose a better training strategy with auxiliary supervision for CBNet-based detectors. CBNet has strong generalization capabilities for different backbones and head designs of the detector architecture. Without additional pre-training of the composite backbone, CBNet can be adapted to various backbones (i.e., CNN-based vs. Transformer-based) and head designs of most mainstream detectors (i.e., one-stage vs. two-stage, anchor-based vs. anchor-free-based). Experiments provide strong evidence that, compared with simply increasing the depth and width of the network, CBNet introduces a more efficient, effective, and resource-friendly way to build high-performance backbone networks. Particularly, our CB-Swin-L achieves 59.4% box AP and 51.6% mask AP on COCO test-dev under the single-model and single-scale testing protocol, which are significantly better than the state-of-the-art results (i.e., 57.7% box AP and 50.2% mask AP) achieved by Swin-L, while reducing the training time by 6x. With multi-scale testing, we push the current best single model result to a new record of 60.1% box AP and 52.3% mask AP without using extra training data.


Performance comparison of CBNet with different numbers of composite backbones (K) and pruning strategies.
Comparison with the state-of-the-art object detection and instance segmentation results on COCO. In collaboration with Swin Transformer, our CBNet achieves the state-of-the-art box AP and mask AP while using fewer training epochs.

Further Information

For more detailed information, check out our paper and code. We are happy to receive your feedback!

  author    = {Ting{-}Ting Liang and
               Xiaojie Chu and
               Yudong Liu and
               Yongtao Wang and
               Zhi Tang and
               Wei Chu and
               Jingdong Chen and
               Haibin Ling},
  title     = {CBNet: {A} Composite Backbone Network Architecture for Object Detection},
  journal   = {IEEE Trans. Image Process.},
  volume    = {31},
  pages     = {6893--6906},
  year      = {2022},
  url       = {},
  doi       = {10.1109/TIP.2022.3216771},
  timestamp = {Mon, 05 Dec 2022 13:33:25 +0100},
  biburl    = {},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,},